Known for its captivating color show, the Strawberry Sundae Hydrangea changes from creamy white blossoms to deep pink colors as the season goes on. Hydrangea Paniculata Rensun (PP25,438) is a multipurpose hydrangea type that grows well in a variety of garden environments and produces captivating, charming flowers. It is a great option for gardeners wishing to add some color to their outdoor areas because it is minimal care and only needs little trimming to stay healthy. To easily improve the visual attractiveness of your landscape, embrace the Strawberry Sundae Hydrangea's inherent beauty and dramatic color shift.
A magnificent deciduous shrub, the First Editions® Hydrangea Strawberry Sundae® has an abundance of exquisite white blooms that, as they grow, become a delectable shade of strawberry pink. Usually growing to a height of 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 meters), this compact hydrangea variation spreads 3-5 feet (0.9-1.5 meters). From July to early fall, its flowers, which are kept on robust stalks, provide a stunning show in your yard. The gorgeous flower clusters are beautifully framed by the dark green foliage.
General Care: Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas are relatively low-maintenance plants, making them suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Here are some general care guidelines to help you keep your plant healthy and thriving:
Sunlight Requirements: Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas prefer full sun to part shade. They perform best when they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
Soil Conditions: These hydrangeas thrive in well-draining, fertile soil. Amend heavy clay soils with organic matter, such as compost, to improve drainage and enhance nutrient availability.
Watering Needs: While Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas are moderately drought-tolerant, they require regular watering, especially during dry periods. Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.
Fertilization: Feed your Strawberry Sundae® hydrangea in early spring with a slow-release, balanced fertilizer. Follow the instructions on the product label for the appropriate application rate. Avoid fertilizers high in nitrogen, as they can promote excessive foliage growth at the expense of flower production. Purchase our SR-18-5-10 here.
Purchase our Slow Release fertilizer here SR-18-5-10.
Growth Patterns: Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas have a compact, rounded growth habit. They develop multiple stems, creating a dense and bushy appearance. As the plant matures, it may benefit from selective pruning to maintain its shape and promote better air circulation.
Watering Needs: Hydrangea Strawberry Sundae® appreciates consistent moisture but should not be kept in soggy soil. Water deeply and thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant will help conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature.
Pruning Requirements: Pruning is generally not necessary, as they have a naturally tidy growth habit. However, you can prune the shrub in late winter or early spring to remove any dead or damaged wood. You can also selectively prune to control the size and shape of the plant. To encourage more prolific flowering, prune back the stems by about one-third of their length.
Hardiness: Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas are hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3-8. They can withstand a wide range of temperatures and are known for their excellent cold tolerance. In colder regions, some winter protection, such as a layer of mulch or burlap wrapping, may be beneficial to shield the plant from harsh winter conditions.
Companion Plants: Here are some companion plants that pair well with Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas:
Perennial Grasses: Ornamental grasses like Calamagrostis x Karl Foerster (Feather Reed Grass), Miscanthis s. 'Fire Dragon' (Red Maiden Grass), or Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln (Dwarf Fountain Grass) provide a beautiful contrast in texture and height.
Shrubs with Contrasting Foliage: Consider planting shrubs with colorful foliage, such as Soft Touch Holly, Comapcta Holly, or Dwarf Yaupon Holly to add visual interest to the garden bed.
Flowering Perennials: To complement the pink hues of Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas, include flowering perennials like Echinacea purpurea (Coneflower), Nepeta x faassenii (Catmint), Perovskia a. 'Denim 'n Lace' (Russian Sage) or for a vibrant and lively display.
Remember to consider the specific cultural requirements and growing conditions of companion plants to ensure they thrive alongside Strawberry Sundae® hydrangeas.
Our processing time usually is 1-3 days after receiving the order. Orders taken after 4:00 pm on Wednesday through Sunday will be shipped the following Monday.
The Plant Factory, Inc. offers the very best shipping processes to ensure quick, safe, and near-perfect results every time. Cold and heat may deter your order temporarily until it is safe to receive and plant your plants/trees in your area. At our discretion, we will hold order till the threat is gone ensuring you with the healthiest- viable product ordered.
Summer - Above 95 degrees | Winter - Below 34 degrees
Plant Highlight
- Growing Zone: 3-9
- Plant Brand: First Editions®
- Botanical Name: Hydrangea paniculata 'Strawberry Sundae'®
- Foliage Color: Green
- Flower Color: Blooms form White to Pink
- Flower Fragrance: Not significant
- Fall Color: Yes
- Type: Deciduous
- Mature Height: 4-5'
- Mature Width: 3-4'
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Exposure: Sun and part shade
- Soil Needs: Tolerant to many soils, loves acid bases the best
- Water Needs: Occasionally
- Pruning Needs: Trim early Spring
- Awards:
- Grown by: The Plant Factory
- Pollinator Friendly: Yes
- Deer Resistant: Yes
- Pet Friendly: No
- Reblooming: No
- Cold and Heat Tolerant: Yes
Note: We put pictures and videos on our site to best represent our products, as an example of our quality as a grower. You may, however receive a smaller or larger plant than pictured depending on the season you buy. You may or may not get a plant blooming as shown on our site. We usually trim off blooms because they do not ship well. Your purchase of our plants should be considered an investment in your future garden and enjoy the process of growing it to its full potential.
Why The Plant Factory, Inc is a good choice?
Our plants are grown at our nursery. Our experienced staff use the best horticultural practices to ensure our plants are of the utmost health and quality. We select your plants as if we were buying them ourselves. Our standard goals are to exceed our customers’ expectations. We pride ourselves for great “out of the box” experiences with hassle-free customer service and quick resolutions.