Plant Care

Unpacking your plants
Upon arrival, unpack your plant(s) quickly and water thoroughly. We recommend soaking the root ball in a bucket of water until all bubbles are gone. This will ensure that the soil is at container capacity.
Place plant in a cool shady location until you are ready to plant. Check it daily for water needs. Do not overwater.
We recommend having the final location prepared prior to your plant arriving. Getting it in the ground or pot quickly will increase plant success.
In Ground Site Preparation
Dig a hole two to three times the width and depth of the container, but no deeper than the height of the container. Loosen the soil and add organic amendments to the existing soil to create loose, well-drained soil with proper PH requirements. Organic compost and soil conditioners are perfect items to blend with existing soils.
Remove container and place the top of the root ball at least ½ inch above the existing soil line. Gently backfill the amended soil around the plant. Lightly pack soil around roots.
Soak entire hole with a light trickle of water to ensure complete saturation of the root ball and the backfilled soil.
Mulch with pine straw or decorative mulch. This will help retain moisture between watering's. In cooler climates, mulch heavier to protect roots.
For new plantings check moisture two or three times per week. For established plantings a weekly check is sufficient. Plants should remain lightly damp; not too wet nor too dry. Water thoroughly. Irrigation systems and occasional rain is not enough to ensure that water has reached the roots.
For newly planted trees, it may be necessary to stake them with our tree stake kit to keep them straight. Usually staking for up to one year will do the trick.
Sit back and enjoy the investment in your garden!