Double Take 'Scarlet’ Quince |Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Double Take Scarlet’ USPP 20,951
Looking to add some vibrant color to your garden in late winter and early spring? Look no further than Quince ‘Double Take Scarlet’. With large crimson flowers that appear when much of the garden is just beginning to awaken, this plant is sure to surprise and delight.
In late winter and early spring Quince ‘Double Take Scarlet’ will surprise and delight with large crimson flowers appearing when much of the garden is just coming awake. Quince is an old-fashioned garden favorite in the U.S. but it’s native to Asia. It is just as easily at home in a Japanese style landscape or a quaint cottage garden. ‘Double Take Scarlet’ is thornless and very deer resistant. Pair quince with other early season bloomers such as redbud trees, Forsythia ‘Lynwood Gold’ and Spirea ‘Gold Mound.’ Then add evergreen structure to the look with spreading plum yew and camellia japonicas. Lightly prune quince after it blooms for better flowering the next year. Create elegant late winter flower arrangements by clipping branches of in February for forcing early indoor blooms.
It’s a traditional way of celebrating the Chinese New Year!
Our processing time usually is 1-3 days after receiving the order. Orders taken after 4:00 pm on Wednesday through Sunday will be shipped the following Monday.
The Plant Factory, Inc. offers the very best shipping processes to ensure quick, safe, and near-perfect results every time. Cold and heat may deter your order temporality until it is safe to receive and plant your plants/trees in your area. At our discretion, we will hold order till the threat is gone ensuring you with the healthiest- viable product ordered.
Summer - Above 95 degrees | Winter - Below 34 degrees
Plant Highlight
- Growing Zone: 5-10
- Plant Brand: Proven Winners
- Botanical Name: Chaenomeles speciosa 'Scarlet Storm'
- Foliage Color: Green
- Flower Color: Deep Red
- Flower Fragrance: Slight
- Fall Color: Green to Red
- Type: Semi-Deciduous
- Mature Height: 4-5'
- Mature Width: 3-4'
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Exposure: Sun
- Soil Needs: Moist well-drained, needs moisture during winter.
- Water Needs: Occasionally, like moisture.
- Pruning Needs: Shape after spring flowers are finished blooming.
- Awards
- Grown by: The Plant Factory, Inc
- Pollinator Friendly: Yes
- Deer Resistant: Yes
- Pet Friendly: No
- Reblooming: Yes
- Cold and Heat Tolerant: Yes
Note: We put pictures and videos on our site to best represent our products, as an example of our quality as a grower. You may, however receive a smaller or larger plant than pictured depending on the season you buy. You may or may not get a plant blooming as shown on our site. We usually trim off blooms because they do not ship well. Your purchase of our plants should be considered an investment in your future garden and enjoy the process of growing it to its full potential.
Why The Plant Factory, Inc is a good choice?
Our plants are grown at our nursery. Our experienced staff use the best horticultural practices to ensure our plants are of the utmost health and quality. We select your plants as if we were buying them ourselves. Our standard goals are to exceed our customers’ expectations. We pride ourselves for great “out of the box” experiences with hassle-free customer service and quick resolutions.